Meditation Seed Thoughts

It's surely a Holy Crusade in the name of God So gather around you do not want to be Odd, You must Kill for Life as for Peace you must Hate So Assemble in the Fold what awaits you is Fate. -- Yogajyotii

Beware: At War Or at peace, More people die Of unenlightened self-interest Than any other disease -- Octavia Butler

Line up and take your daily Program Pill to Sleep Then you can be callus about those who Weep, Give up your Life so to have a life of Dreams With your head in Sand you don't Hear Screams. -- Yogajyotii

Eye cannot see It, Tongue cannot utter It, Mind cannot grasp It. There is no way to learn or to teach It. It is different from the known, Beyond the unknown. In this all the ancient masters agree. -- Upanishads

One should give up anger, renounce pride, and overcome all fetters. Suffering never befalls him who clings not to mind and body and is detached. -- Dhammapada

In meditation, be at ease, be as natural and spacious as possible. Slipquietly out of the noose of your habitual anxious self, release all grasping, and relax into your true nature. -- Sogyal Rinpoche

How do you know you are on the Way? When your map no longer serves you." -- Haven Trevino

When the mind is transparent and pure As if reflected on the Mirror-like surface of the water, There is nothing in the world That you would dislike. When it is serene as the Light breeze in the sunshine, There will be no one Whom you would like to forget. -- Pa-ta Shan-jen

Those who are devoted to the Dhamma made known by the Noble Ones are unsurpassed in speech, thought and action. They are established in peace, gentleness and concentration, and have reached the essence of learning and wisdom. -- Sutta Nipata

So you can Let Go of your planned obsolescence Only when Sleeping do you need convalescence, You unhook your Shackles so you can be Free Of the myriad attachments so you can Just BE. -- Yogajyotii

When you become more quiet you are more open, you are more able to hear, to listen. -- Huong Zu

When people of the world Look for this path amid the clouds, It vanishes, With not a trace where it lay. The high peaks Have many precipices; On the widest gulleys Hardly a gleam falls. Green walls close Behind and before; White clouds gather East and west. Do you want to know Where the cloud-path lies? The cloud-path leads from sky to sky. -- Hanshan

Happy indeed we live, friendly amidst the hostile. Amidst hostile men we dwell free from hatred. -- Dhammapada

Above all, don’t wish To become a future Buddha; Your only concern should be, As thought follows thought, To avoid clinging to any of them. -- Dogen

Some recluses and brahmins, so called, Are deeply attached to their own views; People who only see one side of things Engage in quarrels and disputes. -- Udana

Awakening is Natural and Painless if you Care When you let go of the Grand Trickster if you Dare, It is in the Letting Go that causes all the Pain For the Trickster is the Slayer that must be Slain -- Yogajyotii

Deep green needles glow Against a cobalt sky; They radiate something Only a few can sense. Snow white peaks, Summits shrouded in clouds, Shine and echo, Shine and echo Through both sides Of the skin line. Oh, in all this lies Some deep implication, Yet when I try to say more, I become silent, mute. -- Ji Aoi Isshi

Easy to do are things that are bad and harmful to oneself. But exceedingly difficult to do are things that are good and beneficial. -- Dhammapada

Aiki is the power of harmony Between all things; Polish it ceaselessly You people of the Way. -- O Sensei

One truly is the protector of oneself; who else could the protector be? With oneself fully controlled, one gains a mastery that is hard to gain. -- Dhammapada

All the fish needs to do is get lost in the water. All man needs to do is get lost in the Tao. -- Chuang Tzu

To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. -- Lao-Tzu

You can not just Awaken or Try you must be Intense For the Walls you have created are a Prison Fence, To tare down the Walls yourself you must Sacrifice Give up your life to BE Life Sleeping will not suffice. -- Yogajyotii

Look upon the body as unreal, An image in a mirror, The reflection of the moon in water. Contemplate the mind as formless, Yet bright and pure. Not a single thought arising, Empty, yet perceptive; Still, yet illuminating; Complete like the Great Emptiness, Containing all that is wonderful. -- Han Shan Te Ch’ing

With good will for the entire cosmos, cultivate a limitless heart: Above, below, & all around, unobstructed, without hostility or hate. -- Sutta Nipata

Unknowingly, you are constantly carrying expectations, hopes and desires of what should happen to you, what you would like to experience and what you would like life to give you. In those moments, when you are letting go of all these different expectations, these are the moments of grace when you are having a glimpse of wholeness, of a silent heart. -- Thyoar

One who has attained the Tao Is master of herself, And the universe is Dissolved for her. Throw her in the company Of the noisy and the dirty, And she will be like a lotus flower Growing from muddy water, Touched by it, Yet unstained. --T'u Lung

One should do what one teaches others to do; if one would train others, one should be well controlled oneself. Difficult, indeed, is self-control. -- Dhammapada

Meditation is being happy with yourself for no reason at all. The joy of cherishing your being, happy that you are. You are simply in love with yourself, in love with existence. -- Tishan

Meditation will Silence the mind but won't cure Ills Regardless of the particular practice or it's Frills, Like your True Nature Meditation is your Life The very Way to Transcend Suffering and Strife. -- Yogajyotii

Like the empty sky It has no boundaries, Yet it is right in this place, Ever profound and clear. When you seek to know it, You cannot see it. You cannot take hold of it, But you cannot lose it. In not being able to get it, You get it. When you are silent, It speaks; When you speak, It is silent. The great gate is wide Open to bestow alms, And no crowd is blocking the way. -- Cheng-tao Ke

If you fear pain, if you dislike pain, don't do an evil deed in open or secret. If you're doing or will do an evil deed, you won't escape pain: it will catch you even as you run away. -- Udana

There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple. -- Dalai Lama

The wisdom of Enlightenment Is inherent in every one of us. It is because of the delusion Under which our mind works That we fail to realize it Ourselves, and that we Have to seek the advice And the guidance of Enlightened ones. -- Hui-neng

O house-builder, you are seen! You will not build this house again. For your rafters are broken and your ridgepole shattered. My mind has reached the Unconditioned; I have attained the destruction of craving. -- Dhammapada

So the Work gets Done without your projections Via Meditative True Nature without Infections, You can not lay Claim for you're just an Instrument Through which True Wisdom we can Implement. -- Yogajyotii

If you want to be free, Get to know your real self. It has no form, no appearance, No root, no basis, no abode, But is lively and buoyant. It responds with versatile facility, But its function cannot be located. Therefore when you look for it You become further from it, When you seek it You turn away from it all the more. -- Rinzai

Speak not harshly to anyone, for those thus spoken to might retort. Indeed, angry speech hurts, and retaliation may overtake you. -- Dhammapada

The nature of goodness is of two types. One type is not subject to change, while the other changes with circumstances. Buddha-nature is beyond change and non-change, beyond good and evil. -- Huineng

In the pursuit of learning, every day something is acquired. In the pursuit of Tao, every day something is dropped. -- Lao Tsu

Calling out to Buddha is Calling your own heart The heart is Buddha no place else. Look to the forests, The pools, the ponds Let day and night Sing Dharma’s song. -- Tai An

As a mother would risk her life to protect her child, her only child, even so should one cultivate a limitless heart with regard to all beings. -- Sutta Nipata

Just Serving the Master our Awakening a Servant Doing what must be Done because it's Deservant, When we ARE our True Nature there is no you There is just Awakening Free to BE the Work to Do. -- Yogajyotii

A young student asked of the Master "what did you do before you became Master?" the Master replied "I fetched wood and carried water." The Student asked "What do you do now that you are Master?" The Master replied "I fetch wood and carry water." -- Lao Tzu

Meditation is not a way to enlightenment, nor is it a method of achieving anything at all. It is peace and bliss itself. It is the actualization of wisdom, the ultimate truth of the oneness of all things. -- Dogen

The mind that is not always caught up in details is your only treasure. Stop chasing details and become still to feel it. The mind that sees details clearly, but is not caught up by them is like a vast borderless mrror. -- Journeys on Mind

Exalted in mind & heedful, the sage trained in sagacity's ways: He has no sorrows, one who is Such, calmed & ever mindful. -- Udana

Do not search for the truth; Only cease to cherish opinions. If there is even a trace Of this and that, Of right and wrong, The mind will be lost In confusion. Although all dualities Come from the One Do not remain in the dualistic state. -- Seng-Tsan

Hasten to do good; restrain your mind from evil. He who is slow in doing good, his mind delights in evil. -- Dhammapada

Don't be so beguiled for not all is what you think it may Don't believe your eyes or senses or what all might say, The Grand Trickster is a charmer so will drag you down You're in over your head you can not swim you'll drown. -- Yogajyotii

Knowing Buddha lies within, There is no need to search outside. -- Master Fu

There is no more worldly existence for the wise one who, like the earth, resents nothing, who is firm as a high pillar and as pure as a deep pool free from mud. -- Dhammapada

To return to the root Is to find the meaning, To pursue appearances Is to miss the source. At the moment of inner enlightenment There is a going beyond Appearance and emptiness. The changes that appear To occur in the empty world We call real only Because of our ignorance. -- S’eng T’sang

The peace of one individual is small. The peace of many people together is big. When we see ourselves as separate from each other, our community, and from nature, then violence and strife arise. It is only when we understand our part in an overall unity that there is the possibility of peace on a large scale. -- Deng Ming Dao

How wonderful! How wonderful! All things are perfect Exactly as they are! -- Buddha

If I hold up one corner And you do not come back To me with the other three, I do not continue the lesson. -- Confucious

Must be Open and Honest yourself before you'll Know That Openness and Honesty of another where you go, Did you think you came from distant stars that will shine Or that you could so determine what is your's and mine. -- Yogajyotii

Whether you are going or staying Sitting or lying down, The whole world is your own self. You must find out Whether the mountains, Rivers, grass, and forests Exist in your own mind Or exist outside it. Analyze the ten thousand things, And when you take This to the limit, You will come to the limitless; When you search into it, You come to the end of search, Where thinking goes no Further and distinctions vanish. When you smash the citadel of doubt, Then the Buddha is simply yourself. -- Daikaku

The fever of passion exists not for him who has completed the journey, who is sorrowless and wholly set free, and has broken all ties. -- Dhammapada

Become a pool to invite the water. Become empty to be filled up. Become a flame to burn for ever. Become yourself. -- Shun To

The true person is Not anyone in particular; But like the deep blue color Of the limitless sky, It is everyone, Everywhere in the world. -- Dogen

If a man going down into a river, swollen and swiftly flowing, is carried away by the current -- how can he help others across? -- Sutta Nipata

When it comes to practice you're just window peeping Going through all the motions but actually still Sleeping, Though you seem to have engendered a certain vision Conditioned distortions make it no more than derivation. -- Yogajyotii

Teachers open the door. . . You enter by yourself. -- Chinese Proverb

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes. -- Marcel Proust

When the moon Of your mind becomes Clouded over with confusion, You are searching Around for the light outside. -- Hozoin Gakuzengo Inye

Few among men are those who cross to the farther shore. The rest, the bulk of men, only run up and down the hither bank. But those who act according to the perfectly taught Dhamma will cross the realm of Death, so difficult to cross. -- Dhammapada

Work on your conditionings Awakening is only result You can't keep dreaming those dreams it is an insult, The dreamer isn't in the dream you just think you are It is all in your head for when awake seems quite far. -- Yogajyotii

For penetrating to the depths Of one’s own true self-nature, And for attaining a vitality Valid on all occasions, Nothing can surpass Meditation in the midst of activity. -- Hakuin

Just as a solid rock is not shaken by the storm, even so the wise are not affected by praise or blame. -- Dhammapada

Meditation is not A way to enlightenment, Nor is it a method Of achieving anything at all. It is peace and blessedness itself. It is the actualization of wisdom, The ultimate truth Of the oneness of all things. -- Dogen

Just as a mountain of rock, is unwavering, well-settled, so the monk whose delusion is ended, like a mountain, is undisturbed. -- Udana

Transformation in nature are not due to deliberation. In actual fact, what we call life and death in nature is not the beginning or ending of something, but merely an eternal natural process. -- Xu You

Right now mind is Buddha; Right now Buddha is mind. The shining mind Knows the Buddha; The enlightened one Knows the mind. Apart from mind, no Buddha; Apart from Buddha, no mind. -- Master Fu

Conditioned notions drive you so must let them go They're in your memories of how things must be so, They must not arise either for the future or the past Their seeming reality is only your mind so won't last. -- Yogajyotii

If you can be in silent quietness like a broken gong that is silent, you have reached the peace of Nirvana and your anger is peace. -- The Dhammapada

When you enter this Dharma door, Sitting upright, You become Buddha. Upon reaching the other shore You attain perfection. True aspirants of the Tao Contemplate their own mind. Knowing Buddha lies within, There is no need to search outside. -- Master Fu

He who drinks deep the Dhamma lives happily with a tranquil mind. The wise man ever delights in the Dhamma made known by the Noble One (the Buddha). -- Dhammapada

Because human beings pursue all external events and objects, their internal feelings and thoughts fluctuate with these external conditions. As a result, their minds are kept captive by all sorts of external factors and cannot be released. -- Buddha

When you look, it is formless; When you call, it echoes. It is the great Dharma commander, Transmitting the sutras Through precepts of mind. As saltiness in water, Transparency in color, Surely it is there, But its form is invisible; The Mind King is also thus, Residing in the body. -- Master Fu

Irrigators regulate the rivers; fletchers straighten the arrow shaft; carpenters shape the wood; the wise control themselves. -- Dhammapada

Through conviction one crosses over the flood. Through heedfulness, the sea. Through persistence one overcomes suffering & stress. Through discernment a person is purified. -- Sutta Nipata

Lies say they're truth as dual says they're non-dual Sleeping says they're Awakening to the other fool, Hate says it is Love as Trickster says he is God War says it is Peace as the Truly Free are so odd. -- Yogajyotii

Contemplate the mind; This king of emptiness Is subtle and abstruse. Without shape or form, It has great spiritual power. It can eliminate all calamities And accomplish all merits. Though its essence is empty, It is the measure of dharmas. -- Master Fu

One is the quest for worldly gain, and quite another is the path to Nibbana. Clearly understanding this, let not the monk, the disciple of the Buddha, be carried away by worldly acclaim, but develop detachment instead. -- Dhammapada

Become alert to what you are doing with your life. Are you really moving consciously, with a sense of direction - taking each step deliberately, in full awareness of why, to where? Or are you just imitating others? Then your life will be imitation. Are you simply following others? Then your life will be a carbon copy. You will never know your original face. -- Osho

It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. -- Chinese proverb

The mind is just Illusion ever in it's raw state Intellectualizing Scripture is it's very own fate, Can not remove the Vail of the Grand Trickster Knowing his name Understanding he's sinister. -- Yogajyotii

Mist bordered pine woods, A Buddhist temple, At water’s edge, Willow trees, fishermen’s huts; Zen monk with Empty bowl after noon, Old fisherman drying nets In the setting sun. -- Gido

That bhikkhu who has crossed the mire, Crushed the thorn of sensual desire, And reached the destruction of delusion Is not perturbed by pleasures and pains. -- Udana

To shake off the Dust of human ambition I sit on moss in Zen robes of stillness, While through the window, In the setting sun Of late autumn, Falling leaves whirl And drop to the stone dais. -- Tesshu Tokusai

Well done is that action of doing which one repents not later, and the fruit of which, one reaps with delight and happiness. -- Dhammapada

Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart ... Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. -- Carl Jung

Though all his life a fool associates with a wise man, he no more comprehends the Truth than a spoon tastes the flavor of the soup. -- Dhammapada

Every sentient being is Ready to be enlightened At every moment. The only hindrance Is not recognizing The purity and limitlessness Of buddha nature. We may have inklings Of our limitless quality, But we don’t fully recognize it, So we become focused On the relative I, the self.

What do you receive for your work and sweat Have you not learned it is not in what you get, But rather in what you receive by that very toil, For all things under the sun will most surely spoil. -- Yogajyotii

Wind stirs waterfall Sending cold sound Moonrise over the foothills Shines its light On my bamboo window Dearer with age These mountains ways If I die at the foot of this cliff Even my bones will be pure. -- Jakushitsu

By effort and heedfulness, discipline and self-mastery, let the wise one make for himself an island which no flood can overwhelm. -- Dhammapada

The waterfall on South Mountain Hits the rocks, Tosses back its foam With terrifying thunder, Blotting out even Face-to-face talk. Collapsing water and Bouncing foam soak blue moss, Old moss so thick It drowns the spring grass. Animals are hushed. Birds fly but don’t sing Yet a white turtle plays on the Pool’s sand floor Under riotous spray, Sliding about with the torrents. The people of the land Are benevolent. No angling or net fishing. The white turtle lives Out its life, naturally. -- Wang Wei

Having entered a royal court or a company of people he should not speak lies. He should not speak lies (himself) nor incite others to do so. He should completely avoid falsehood. -- Sutta Nipata

Magnificent Peak By its own nature It towers above The tangle of rivers Don’t say it’s a lot of dirt Piled high Without end the mist of dawn The evening cloud Draw their shadows across it From the four directions You can look up and see it Green and steep and wild. -- Muso

Conviction is a person's highest wealth. Dhamma, when well-practiced, brings bliss. Truth is the highest of savors. Living with discernment, one's life is called best. -- Sutta Nipata

You cheat the world and yourself just the same Can't blame yourself misery is not in your name, If it can't be done Now don't lie and say you will 'Cause then you'll owe the Piper never gets his fill. -- Yogajyotii

Grasping emptiness And blocking tranquility Results in floating And sinking. No Buddhas or bodhisattvas Settle their minds this way. The Great Being of shining mind Awakened to this subtle sound. The nature of body and mind Is wonderful; Their functions Need not be altered. -- Master Fu

Whoever takes a stick to beings desiring ease, when he himself is looking for ease, will meet with no ease after death. Whoever doesn't take a stick to beings desiring ease, when he himself is looking for ease, will meet with ease after death. -- Udana

The one mind is the Buddha, And there is no distinction Between Buddha and ordinary beings Except that ordinary beings Are attached to forms and thus Seek for Buddhahood Outside themselves. By this very seeking They lose it, Since they are using Buddha to seek for Buddha, Using mind to seek for mind. Even if they continue For a million eons, They will never by able to find it. -- Huang-Po

Ever grows the glory of him who is energetic, mindful and pure in conduct, discerning and self-controlled, righteous and heedful. -- Dhammapada

Let yourself be free Simply go with the flow of life. It is all so simple How can we be so complicate? -- Nah Sti

A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love -- Basil

You must BE Void of every one of conditioned notions As you must BE Silence with no mental chatter motions, You must BE Stillness as the nothingness that is not far To BE Awakening IN/AS the True Nature that we ARE. -- Yogajyotii

The wise ones, ever meditative and steadfastly persevering, alone experience Nibbana, the incomparable freedom from bondage. -- Dhammapada

Magnanimous Mind is Like a mountain, Stable and impartial. Exemplifying the ocean, It is tolerant And views everything From the broadest perspective. -- Dogen

Heedfulness is the path to the Deathless. Heedlessness is the path to death. The heedful die not. The heedless are as if dead already. -- Dhammapada

The person resolute in the Way Must from the beginning Never lose sight of it, Whether in a place of calm Or in a place of strife. Beware of clinging to quiet Places and shunning those Where there is disturbance. If you try to take refuge From trouble by running To some quiet place, You will fall into confusion. -- Daikaku

Rouse yourself! Sit up! Resolutely train yourself to attain peace. Do not let the king of death, seeing you are careless, lead you astray and dominate you. -- Sutta Nipata

So what might be a Real cost of such a Divine Retreat And once visited can we go back there so as to repeat, The Price that few agree to Pay is everything we think And everything we dearly cling to as our very security link. -- Yogajyotii

Keep your heart clear And transparent, And you will Never be bound. A single disturbed thought Creates ten thousand Distractions. Let myriad things captivate you And you'll go further And further astray. How painful to see people All wrapped up in themselves. -- Ryokan

Little though he recites the sacred texts, but puts the Teaching into practice, forsaking lust, hatred, and delusion, with true wisdom and emancipated mind, clinging to nothing of this or any other world -- he indeed partakes of the blessings of a holy life. -- Dhammapada

For certain is death for the born, And certain is birth for the dead; Therefore over the inevitable Thou shouldst not grieve. -- The Bhagavad Gita

All that is is the result of what we have thought. -- Buddha

If the eye never falls asleep, All dreams cease by themselves. If the spirit retains its unity, All things are of one essence. When this essence is seen, In an instant we are free. We return to the origin And remain that which we are. -- Seng-ts’an

Blissful is passionlessness in the world, The overcoming of sensual desires; But the abolition of the conceit I am -- That is truly the supreme bliss. -- Udana

The most sublime truth of all has never been stated or written or sung, not because it is far away and can't be reached, but because it is so intimately close, closer than anything that can be spoken. -- Gangaji

It is just a one shot deal so you can't go back or ahead When you are baptized in the Yokayoki you stay instead, IN/AS the Ebony Crystal Clear waters so not in your head When you leave those waters you wish that you are dead. -- Yogajyotii

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