Samples of *Private Teachings*

Greetings Ye Seekers of Truth and Understanding,

These "Private Postings" are supplemental to all of the other Light Mission endeavors to distribute information to Help in the Unfolding of Inner Awareness -- The Awakening. I hope that you find them helpful and interesting. Dwell on them WithIN and See what Realizations Unfold.



Well, Atman is the impetus of our Divine Attributes, our Higher Self as it were. It indicates our True Nature of Pure unconditioned undefiled Consciousness -- that which IS what we ARE a physical manifestation of. Which goes along with Einstein's statement that "energy at it's lowest state of evolution is matter, and matter at it's highest state of evolution is energy". Truly Living Life IN the Moment from Moment to Moment without projecting our conditioned notions into/onto What-IS the Moment, is not only feasible but a necessity if we are ever to transcend the Suffering and Pain and wars and conflicts and hatred and violence and greed and corruption here on this planet earth. But then, perhaps Suffering and Pain and wars and conflicts and hatred and violence and greed and corruption is desired by most here on this planet earth. At least it would appear that way.

Awakening must occupy our total time and total BEing Totally to remain IN the very Present Moment from Moment to Moment. It is not *done* for we can not *do* it -- we must BE it. To be IN the Moment is to BE the Moment. To Live Life AS it IS right NOW. To be IN the world but not OF the world. There is no "goal" Dear Friend, there is only Awakening. No one has gone anywhere for there is nowhere to go.

Physical manifestation is Wondrous and quite Amazing. That is why we should not cheat ourselves from Truly Enjoying it by harboring the Causes that Veil us Truly Enjoying it. But I am not to be *believed*, for the only way one can Truly Realize the True Wonder of which I speak is to Directly Experience it themselves -- WITHOUT all of those conditioned images and ideas and meanings that prevent us from Truly Enjoying Life AS it IS and not how we are conditioned to *think* it should be. Who know......... it might be worth the try -- if one dares.

That IS the best that we can do. But it must be done Openly and Honestly and Fearlessly, and we can not turn away when we Truly Look into the Mirror of Truth and see what controlled and conditioned and manipulated and programmed automatons we are. And have the intestinal fortitude to do something about it.

Our experiences will be many in just a single incarnation, and those experiences can be tapped from incarnation to incarnation. But of most concern and of most import are the Direct Experiences in any given incarnation, for they are those that will Unfold one further than the remembrances of past incarnations. For there can BE only One, and it can only be Directly Experienced IN the very instant present Moment, from Moment to Moment.

An Open and Honest and unbiased Observation of ourselves give us many clues as to how we can "know thyself", and thereby *perfect* ourselves to be able to Realize and Recognize our True Divine Nature. Knowing others is Intelligence, Knowing yourself is True Wisdom, Mastering others is Strength, Mastering yourself is True Power. "If you want to see the Rainbow, you have to put up with the Rain".

It is not the *word* that holds meaning but rather that which is beyond mere words. Words are but Pointers to where Truth can be Realized or Veiled. But we get to busy studying the finger that Points and to busy defending our conditionings and to busy opinionating another to divert attention, to be able to See to what the finger Points.

To BE IN the Moment is to BE Totally Attentive to the Direct Experience of right NOW from Moment to Moment -- no past and no future, no memories and no wishful thinking, just the Present. No projections of the Grand Trickster the conditioned mind, just Experiencing whatever the very present Moment offers to be Experienced and Openly and Honestly Responding IN it and AS it.

Sleeping, we have no Work to do because we are Perfect Automatons so we continue Sleeping. Awakening, on the other hand, we Realize that Sleeping has defiled our Divine Reflection in the Mirror of Truth to such the toxic degree that much *Work on ourSelf* is required to continue Unfolding this Awakening.

No need to "judge" it, it is an obvious Fact with the Eyes to See it and the Ears to Hear it. It is in the ever increasing street violence, and in the ever increasing conflict globally, and in the ever increasing greed and corruption in business and government and religions and organizations, and in the ever increasing Illusion that we are in a Cycle toward a Golden Age in this New Millennium when in Fact we are getting Deeper into the Dark Age of Kali Yuga, and in the ever increasing Illusions that humanity is Awakening.

We can "judge" no one but ourselves. And even then it is an Observation and Rectification rather than a judgement. As we can Save no one but ourselves. To "know thyself" we must Observe our conditioned notions and actions and Observe how and why they control and manipulate us. Knowing others is Intelligence, Knowing yourself is True Wisdom, Mastering others is Strength, Mastering yourself is True Power.

I can only offer that you Open to it when it is offered. Sleeping is like a hermetically sealed container, nothing gets in and nothing gets out. Awakening is like "To see a World in a grain of sand, And a Heaven in a wild flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour." (as William Blake so aptly put it).

Riding ourselves of defilements or Illusions ? That is only a precursor to What-IS. For What-IS, True Life, Truth, Reality, can only BE Realized once those conditioned notions (Illusions) are no longer controlling and manipulating us by our clinging to them. It is Illusion that keeps us from Truly Living Life. You may be thinking of existence, not Life. You may be thinking of surviving, not Living. There is a vast difference between existing/surviving and Life/Living. The Illusion is that they are one in the same.

The "love" of things is not Love, but rather our attachment to them. When we Love, we simply Love, with no particular *thing* in mind. Another Illusion of the conditioned mind, of the Grand Trickster. The Direct Experience of that which you mention is not Illusion, but rather the Direct Experience of that which is mentioned. The Illusion is that we cling to those memories as though they were still experienced. Each Moment is anew from Moment to Moment, thus each Direct Experience is anew each Moment that those Direct Experiences are Directly Experienced. Memories Bind us to the past and distract our Attention from the Present Moment. The past is not Real for it has come and gone. Yet though we Realize that we Directly Experienced it is the Wonder of True Life. But we forego the opportunity to Directly Experience the Present Moment by Dwelling in memories. They were not Illusions when they were Directly Experienced, but they are Illusions as memories. True Life is to be Truly Lived each and every Moment from Moment to Moment, THAT is Life and Living, all else is but Illusion of memories. The picture is not the Experience, as the memory is not the Experience. The Illusion is that they are one in the same.

Manifested form IS manifested form, and is not an Illusion but rather quite Real. The Illusion is that it is permanent and is of some importance other than Directly Experiencing it, and that *it is all there is*. The Illusion is that we hold on to it and cling to it as some anchor so we will not float away. And anchor us, it does. It anchors our attention to it, and therefore prevents us from Truly enjoying the Wonder of it. We must Directly Experience all of manifested form to it fullest each and every Moment as though it will not be there to Directly Experience in the next Moment. And Openly and Honestly Experience it as though it has no power over us, for it's impermanence is not worthy of our clinging to it. We must jump into the Fire to Live, for to dwell only in memory is merely to survive.

Death is but an illusion for manifested form is but a *day in the Life*. We are but Visitors in this particular stage of evolving manifested form -- this is it's impermanence. Real as it might be, it is not all that there IS. And in the evolution and involution of manifested form, it's impermanence is in it inherent disposition to entropy. Manifested form springs forth, entropys, and returns to it's Natural element. This is the Nature of manifested form. And in it's various stages of evolution, all manifested form will return to spring forth again and again and again to further it's evolution/involution. The more we Directly Experience in any given *return*, the fewer times we will have to *return*. We Evolve to Involve, and so as we progress as manifested form we also progress as un-manifested form -- a Return to the Source. We keep evolving, but if we do not Directly Experience each opportunity in this evolution (incarnation) we *have to keep returning until we get it right*.


Sample Postings of *Ray Of Light*

Greetings Ye Seekers of Truth and Understanding,

These "Ray of Light" are supplemental to all of the other Light Mission endeavors to distribute information to Help in the Unfolding of Inner Awareness -- The Awakening. I hope that you find them helpful and interesting. Dwell on them WithIN and See what Realizations Unfold.


I am sure that the ill vibrations are felt, but unrecognized when physical life as we know it ceases or prevented from continuing. Yet there is no suffering in dying, there is only suffering in living. There is no pain and suffering to the yet unborn. If it is an unsuitable environment then something will happen to prevent the birth. If it is a suitable environment then nothing will prevent the birth. What ever IS, is what must BE. Some, because of their belief systems, think that others should believe them when they call it murder or execution. Yet whatever will BE, will BE -- as whatever IS, IS. In man's arrogance he thinks he has control over this life/death process. He does not. Those who prevent a birth are not acting of their own accord, though they are blamed for it. They act of their conditioned ideas and images and meanings and notions, so THAT is what must be blamed if there is any blame. They are merely in the flow of providence via their conditioned thinking and behavior. Not man nor god nor anyone else has control over it, it simply IS what must BE. We can not be blamed for our conditioned thinking and behavior, though we are to blame if we do not let it go.

There really is no choice by parent nor unborn child nor even god, but rather a matter of the workings of the Wheel of Reincarnation guided by the suitability of Karma. Reincarnation is but a cycle of birth and rebirth, whereas Karma is the guiding force of this cyclic birth and rebirth. So if the suitability of a given birth is far afield of the Karma that must be Balanced then no birth will occur. It is merely What-IS and nothing more. It is man who projects his beliefs and conditioned notions into/onto anything he so desires. It is the Slayer that must be Slain, for there is no such thing as Death.


The Great Path has no Gates, thousands of roads enter it. When one passes through this Gateless Gate he Walks freely between Heaven and Earth.

"Light Mission's Private Postings/Teachings"

"Ray of Light" series (Points to Ponder)

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0====[::::::::::> Sword of Truth <::::::::::]====0


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"Private Postings/Teachings", which is a random sending of Deeper more Revealing Teachings for those who sincerely want to Work on themselves in their Inner Awakening. If you would like to receive these postings at random times, let me know and I will add you to the list of recipients. It will require a dedication to Inner Awakening and the dropping of toxic conditioned thinking, for the conditioned and faint-hearted will certainly be too offended by Pure Unconditional Truth.

Light Mission Private Postings/Teachings "Private Postings/Teachings", which is a random sending of Deeper more Revealing Teachings for those who sincerely want to Work on themselves in their Inner Awakening. If you would like to receive these postings at random times, let me know and I will add you to the list of recipients. It will require a dedication to Inner Awakening and the dropping of toxic conditioned thinking, for the conditioned and faint-hearted will certainly be too offended by Pure Unconditional Truth.

Light Mission Private Postings/Teachings


Also, the long awaited *Ray of Light* series of *Daily Ponderables* is finally posted and will be updated regularly. These are Light Mission's version of *Points to Ponder* or *Daily Affirmations* or *Cosmic Cookies* or whatever the going term is by any given group. These Rays of Light are e-mailed daily upon request.

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