Samples of *Private Teachings*

Greetings Ye Seekers of Truth and Understanding,

These "Private Postings" are supplemental to all of the other Light Mission endeavors to distribute information to Help in the Unfolding of Inner Awareness -- The Awakening. I hope that you find them helpful and interesting. Dwell on them WithIN and See what Realizations Unfold.


Unconditioned Judgement ?

May I offer, that nothing "mystical" and no "religion" and no seeming "path" "taps into" Awakening. In fact, they prevent Awakening. Enlightenment is but a game -- the game of Attainment through some belief system, so that we in our conditioned state of mind will pay homage to those who are also conditioned to *think* and *preach* that they have attained this magical state of being. For nothing is *attainable*, it is simply a matter of Awakening form the delusions ingrained within us by the Grand Trickster the conditioned mind. For there is no *goal* other than the Path, and the Path is eternal and Timeless and never ending. So even a goal is but another delusion, a carrot that the Grand Trickster the conditioned mind dangles before us to lead us Blindly through the briars and brambles to Inner Destruction. We, in our conditioned state of mind, will give up most anything including life itself, but will refuse to give up any little minor Cause of our Suffering.

True, Direct Experience can not be conveyed in words for the Realization of any given Moment can only be Directly Experienced. The Tao that can be named is not the Tao. But it is a bit dualistic to think that there is more than One Reality, for there is not. Reality either IS or IS-NOT, there can be no *other*. Even this can only be Realized via Direct Experience IN Reality. There is no Truth other than Reality, as there is no Reality other than What-IS IN the Moment, Moment to Moment.

When you see a tree, do you see the tree or do you see the sun that the tree needed to continue living and make it possible that the tree could be seen by you that Moment ? Do you see the water that the tree needed to continue living and make it possible that the tree could be seen by you that Moment ? Do you see the nutrients that the tree absorbed from the earth to make it possible that the tree could be seen by you that Moment ? Do you see the soil that the tree has grown out of so as to make it possible that the tree could be seen by you that Moment ? Do you see the wind that the tree needed to help it get rid of un-needed leaves to replenish those leaves to make it possible that the tree could be seen by you that Moment ? Do you see the birds that sang form the tree's branches and perhaps found a home in those branches ? Do you hear the song that the birds sang ? So you see, All IS One and there is a certain interdependence of All to BE One.

Now IS the Moment. For is not a question an activity of thought ? And does not thought prohibit attention to the Moment ? Therefore does not the very question reveal that we are not IN the Moment ? IN the Moment we would not question, we would embrace the Moment and all that the Direct Experience of that Moment has in store for us. A newness and freshness in each passing Moment. Since there can not be questions IN the Moment, there is no need of answers. When we respond to whatever is experienced IN the Moment, the seeming questions are already answered. When the mind is Silent, Void of thoughts, the Clarity of our Observations are such that we Recognize the answer before we ask the question. So it is in letting go of the question that we Realize the answer. So the statement should be "Now !" rather than "Now what ?"

It is not a matter of actual "non-thinking", but rather a matter of not being controlled and manipulated by our thinking by thinking before we experience. There is a certain anticipation an instant before the experience that allows thoughts to be projected into the next Moment's experience. For as we embrace the Moment, we are going to have to call upon thinking to respond to whatever is IN the Moment. The difference is WHEN we allow thoughts to arise. When thoughts arise before an experience, during the anticipation of the experience, we are projecting those thoughts into/onto whatever we experience tainting the experience with conditioned notions. When we call upon thoughts during the experience, once we have embraced the experience, thought is a tool and nothing more. It is a matter of understanding the whole process of thinking, of how and when and why thoughts arise, and adjusting the way we have been conditioned to let them arise.

It is not a matter of the answer appearing but rather a matter of there not being a question IN the Moment. In embracing the Moment without preconceived thinking, our actions in responding IN the Moment are the answers to the questions we *would have* asked if there would have been a question. So the answer is in letting go of the question. For where the question is vital is when we question our conditioned ideas and images and meanings and notions in general. That is, question the Grand Trickster's authority in controlling and manipulating us. WE give the Grand Trickster that authority so only WE can take it away -- by letting go of the Grand Trickster's programming.

If the Void was filled then there would no longer be a Void. Emptying oneself to establish the Void opens a vacuum that tends always to fill back up -- then we are back to the emptying again -- a vicious circle I would say. When we establish the Void IN our emptying of our conditioned notions, we should simply Dwell IN the Void and BE at peace because we established the Void. Stand guard so that the Void never gets re-filled.

What-IS is What-IS and can be no greater or less than What-IS, so expansion would be out of the question. It is IN the Void that What-IS does Unfold such that we are finally able to Recognize it AS it IS. When we are empty, projecting nothing into/onto whatever we experience, we can Recognize What-IS as it IS.

By Directly Experiencing life AS it IS and AS we Truly ARE without the conditioned nonsense that we have to empty ourselves of, Awareness does Unfold. The Key is to Directly Experience life Purely as undefiled elements of life, instead of the automatons we have become. Do you remember in the Garden of Eden, there was only Utopia or Bliss or Peace or Contentment ? And the Fall of man was not in eating the apple, but rather in thereafter desiring the apple that he ate. So life has become a struggle of emptying ourselves of false notions to get back to a point where we can continue to Unfold Awareness. The shame of it is that we immerse our young in the same stagnant sesspool that we are in.

Our concern should be what use are we to ourselves, for we can only Save the world by Saving ourselves. You should spend more time on worthwhile projects rather than contemplating your woeful state. For the woeful state is but a smoke screen by the Grand Trickster to keep your thinking muddled.

Ah, but that which can be named can not be that which is named. To name the un-nameable is to finite infinity. To label yourself is to limit yourself, and therefore imprison your freedom. Labeling is an exercise in futility, and thus the handiwork and hallmark of the Grand Trickster. Naming is a trick for possessing, and the un-possessable can not be possessed. We can not possess anything, for all in the physical realm is so impermanent. We can not even possess ourselves.

Entropy -- would be likened to putting something together to take it back apart. One of the down-sides of manifested form -- to manifest only to start degenerating back to the state before manifestation. That is, from the moment of our birth we age and succumb to a point of aging when we can no longer support a physical existence. As physical form is a time related element, so is entropy. So entropy is a description of what happens to physical form for a duration of time. The Inhalation of Brahma, as it were. We Seek to get back to ourSelves, as physical form Seeks to return to it's natural unmanifested form. It is the digression of manifested form.

Now, this same entropy can apply to any and all objects and organizations and concepts. All are established only to degrade to a point before it's being established. Entropy is sometimes referred to as a measure of the amount of "disorder" in a system. Lots of disorder = high entropy, while order = low entropy. It is not too hard to see why this association came about. If water molecules are confined to a drop of water, that may seem more orderly than if they are scattered all over the room in the form of water vapor. And if the water molecules in that drop are arranged in a hexagonal array (ice), that is even more orderly. And indeed, the entropy in ice is lower than in the same amount of water, and the entropy in water is lower than in the same amount of water vapor.

If all the air in your room is gathered into the same side of the room, that can seem more "orderly" than if they are scattered all over the place. If the energy in your kitchen is concentrated in your bowl of soup, that may seem more orderly than if the energy is scattered evenly throughout the room so that your soup is at room temperature. So why do things happen the way they do, and not in reverse ? The answer is entropy. Practically everything that goes on in the universe is irreversible. Do not read anything political, philosophical, or sociological into this ! It is all a matter of What-IS and what Unfolds.

First, machines are machines doing what they are programmed to do -- much like the vast majority of humanity. The difference is that mechanical machines are more efficient and more effective and more dependable than human machines. Secondly, mechanical machines affixed with an on-board computer far exceeds the abilities of the human machine affixed with a warped distorted wasted conditioned brain. The difference is that the human machine has unfolded a Mind -- a mind that was able to come up with the computer and the machine. So, yes, our brain-child has exceeded us in many ways and we learn from it and further ourselves with it's aid. Further ourselves in the physical realm, that is. What happens when a machine is Still ? Atrophy, inertia. What happens when a computer is Silent ? Dead in the water, shut-down. What happens when our body is Still ? Rest. What happens when our mind is Silent ? Wisdom, Insight.

Our cleverness in this area can Free us from many of the time consuming drudgeries of simple physical survival. Which should Free us to spend more of our time and our effort in Working on ourselves, BEing who we really ARE. The problem is that, shown time and time again, such terminological advances simply make us lazier and more dependant on the technologies. A sad commentary on the state of humanity. For the vast majority of humanity, their primary focus is on *leisure and pleasure* -- that which keeps them Sleeping. They are as a boat adrift, it's direction controlled and manipulated by the currents of the world they live in. Unsuspecting that this current is taking them somewhere. It is taking them to a plunge over the falls, whence the boat and themselves will Crash on the rocks and boulders below.

Machines and computers, as intelligent as they may be, are machines and computers doing what machines and computers do. They are Awakening, BEing themselves. It is humanity that is not BEing themselves, they are BEing as machines and computers. It is humanity that is Sleeping, and must Wake-Up from his Illusion that he is supposed to be an automaton or computerized machine.

Unconditioned, we are without judgement, so there can be no "unconditioned judgement". Only in our conditioned mind is there good and bad judgement. The whole concept of good and bad or right and wrong requires judgement. Sleeping, we make such judgements and call them good or bad relative to our conditioned notions. Awakening, there is no good or bad as there is no judgement as to either. Whatever IS simply IS, neither good nor bad, so Awakening we would have nothing to judge. Discernment is not good judgement, but rather the Recognition of that which impedes (What-ISNOT) our Awakening and what aids (What-IS) our Unfolding Awakening. It is not a judgement as to What-IS and What-ISNOT, but rather a Recognition of the two and responding to What-IS. Only Awakening can we Recognize the difference. Awakening, we can Recognize What-ISNOT because that is where we WERE and Recognize What-IS because that is where we ARE. Sleeping, there is no Recognition because our understanding is limited to What-ISNOT. Sleeping, we respond to What-ISNOT, conditioned to *think* that it is What-IS, because that is all we can understand. This is the seat of all wars and conflict amongst the various cultures and religious groups. And so, Sleeping, we are *denying* What-IS. Sleeping, we are the Slayer of What-IS. Awakening, we are the Slayer of the Slayer of What-IS.

Sleeping, most conditioned notions are hidden because we are too Blinded by those conditioned notions to Recognize them. For Sleeping is the Darkness that pervades the Deep. Conditioned notions whither at the Light of Awakening. May I offer that you Observe very closely any underlying dualistic aspects. Therein may be found a Key that may unlock various doorways, various Pathways, in one's Awakening.


Sample Postings of *Ray Of Light*

Greetings Ye Seekers of Truth and Understanding,

These "Ray of Light" are supplemental to all of the other Light Mission endeavors to distribute information to Help in the Unfolding of Inner Awareness -- The Awakening. I hope that you find them helpful and interesting. Dwell on them WithIN and See what Realizations Unfold.


Empathy is the capacity for *experiencing* as one's own the feelings of another. We can empathize with another's plight either due to the fact that we ourselves have experienced the same plight OR our sensitivity level is such that the sensations of the experience of another can be experienced by us without experiencing the experience. That is, we experience the sensations of the experience. In this way, we Understand the experience and what the other is experiencing. Thereby establishing a connection of the basic foundation that all manifested form dwells IN. This is the level that is referred to as "All IS One and One IS All". Indeed not a common every day occurrence, that in fact can be experienced by but a few. IN the Unfolding of one's Awakening we tend to stabilize or *balance* our sensitivity level to all manifested form. Have you not felt sorrow for the sight of a fallen sparrow ? Have you not sensed pain when holding a puppy with a broken leg ? Have you not followed the jump of a legless frog ?

To a conditioned world that is yet to start their Awakening, those natural *sensitives*, those empaths, the empathic, are seeming freaks of nature and so are counseled away form this ability. These are those on the very edge of their Awakening and not realizing it. And though most empaths do not fully understand their ability, they themselves look at it as a burden and try at all costs to avoid it's occurrence. Those who do realize it's potential Help for others do welcome it's use -- but at their own expense of health and emotion. And so to Help another they sacrifice themselves. An Honorable undertaking but a senseless one, for they do not Understand that the Wise use of Empathy comes only to those Awakening and not those still conditioned. Awakening, empathy is but a side effect and can be no burden but rather a tool to Help Serve others. Empathy is akin to Compassion, to Reality, to Truth, to Awakening, and can only be a burden to the Sleeping. These are the Unfolding of one's BEing and one discards their conditionings (Causes of their Suffering).

The Wise Awakening Sage would "identify" with nothing -- not "Source", not "God", not "ground of Being", not anything, save the Reality of What-IS IN the Moment, Moment to Moment. That is, the Wise Awakening Sage would simply BE, projecting nothing into/onto the Direct Experience IN the Moment. There is no "security" to this, but rather that it simply IS, as they simply ARE. They will leave no foot prints as they Walk along the rice paper, yet will uproot and change whole lives of those who are blessed by their Presence. Not even the air will be disturbed in their passing, yet mountains are moved in their Path. They are IN the Moment, they ARE the Moment.


The Great Path has no Gates, thousands of roads enter it. When one passes through this Gateless Gate he Walks freely between Heaven and Earth.

"Light Mission's Private Postings/Teachings"

"Ray of Light" series (Points to Ponder)

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0====[::::::::::> Sword of Truth <::::::::::]====0


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"Private Postings/Teachings", which is a random sending of Deeper more Revealing Teachings for those who sincerely want to Work on themselves in their Inner Awakening. If you would like to receive these postings at random times, let me know and I will add you to the list of recipients. It will require a dedication to Inner Awakening and the dropping of toxic conditioned thinking, for the conditioned and faint-hearted will certainly be too offended by Pure Unconditional Truth.

Light Mission Private Postings/Teachings "Private Postings/Teachings", which is a random sending of Deeper more Revealing Teachings for those who sincerely want to Work on themselves in their Inner Awakening. If you would like to receive these postings at random times, let me know and I will add you to the list of recipients. It will require a dedication to Inner Awakening and the dropping of toxic conditioned thinking, for the conditioned and faint-hearted will certainly be too offended by Pure Unconditional Truth.

Light Mission Private Postings/Teachings


Also, the long awaited *Ray of Light* series of *Daily Ponderables* is finally posted and will be updated regularly. These are Light Mission's version of *Points to Ponder* or *Daily Affirmations* or *Cosmic Cookies* or whatever the going term is by any given group. These Rays of Light are e-mailed daily upon request.

Ray of Light

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