Samples of *Private Teachings*

Greetings Ye Seekers of Truth and Understanding,

These "Private Postings" are supplemental to all of the other Light Mission endeavors to distribute information to Help in the Unfolding of Inner Awareness -- The Awakening. I hope that you find them helpful and interesting. Dwell on them WithIN and See what Realizations Unfold.


Let There BE Light

It is a Fact that *once all conditioned ideas and images and meanings and notions of all sorts are let go of* Truth is Truth regardless of who is looking at it. It is our conditioned notions that make us *think* that everyone can have their own truth, that is why there is so much conflict and war and abuse and abandonment and Suffering in the world. The Key of course being that we let go of our cherished conditioned notions, THEN we will all see the same answers. For there is but One answer, Truth, and Truth does not come in various flavors according to our liking. Letting go of our dearly beloved conditioned notions is most Painful, for we have grown quite dependent on them for our seeming security and sense of importance and the support of our ego. When we Realize that the only thing that is important is that we BE our True unconditioned Nature, we Realize the folly of our conditioned thinking and behavior. But the cost of letting go of those closely held conditioned notions is too High for most to bare, for it requires the most Painful and arduous struggle with the Grand Trickster our conditioned mind that we will ever undertake. For we will give up most anything including life itself for some cause whether it be nobel or foolish, yet will not give up even a minor shard of the Causes of our Suffering. Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita portrays this quite well.

If we "follow" anything we are, as "programmed robots". This would include following our conditioned ideas and images and meanings and notions of all sorts. And if we never Truly Observe ourself, if we never Truly Openly and Honestly show ourself in front of the Mirror of Truth, and see what programmed conditioned controlled manipulated automatons we have become, we will *think* that we are free and independent agents of and for ourself. Yet who we follow is the Grand Trickster our conditioned notions. Legends in our own mind. There are many books of vital information for us as Pointers. Problem is that we become mesmerized and beguiled by the finger and lose sight of where the finger Points. As reasonably small as a dime is, when held too close to the eye we can not see beyond the dime. So I would say to follow no book, glean Insights from many Pointers, and find out for ourself by Directly Experiencing whatever IS the Moment without projecting any notions into/onto that Moment.

But few are Open and Honest enough to admit it, so our Quest turns out to be an exchange of one belief system for another. his dead-end is rarely talked about, we just live with it and hope we find that *light at the end of the tunnel*. Problem is that we are not sure that it will not turn out to be a train at the other end of the tunnel baring down on us. And we translate that problem, intellectually, to "letting go of the mind" because when we have had what some call a *Mystical Experience* there seems to be no mind. WRONG ! Where there is brain there is mind. The brain is a wonderful hard-drive that stores information/programs and the mind is the software or operating platform that initializes the information/programs. We fill the hard-drive with conditioned ideas and images and meanings and notions of all sorts during our surfing of life, so the software just initializes the stored information/programs on demand. So, when there is no demand for the information/program the mind is idle. It is the idle mind that we want to maintain, not actually no-mind. I say, as others do, let go of the Grand Trickster the conditioned mind, but actually the mind is not conditioned it is the arising thoughts that are conditioned. So it is that we must let go of the *contents* of the mind, the conditioned ideas and images and meanings and notions and let the mind be the mind. For you must have the hardware running (the body) and the operating platform running (the mind) in order to Experience anything including Awakening. So, intellectually, there is the solution to the riddle: let the hardware and operating platform run, just delete the thoughts from the start-up menu. For no matter how hard you try you will not start Awakening without the mind, but you have to Silence the mind.

So, we can not get rid of the mind and we can not really get rid of the thoughts, but we can stop the thoughts from automatically arising when we see or hear something. Elementary............. intellectually. Now, how to put that into *practice* ? Something I repeat over and over, Just Do It, Just BE It. Also as repeated over and over, Awakening is like True Meditation in that we meditate to establish the Silent mind and then manifest that state of Silent mind into every aspect and every thought and every action in our everyday life. Walk the Talk. Likewise, Awakening is embracing each Moment anew projecting no preconceived ideas or images or meanings or notion into/onto that Moment from Moment to Moment. This takes struggling with these thoughts to train them not to arise until you consciously demand that they arise. That is, we confront whatever it is that is happening any given Moment Observing what is happening with no preconceived notions about what might be happening. Unattached in any way to whatever is happening in that Moment, just Observing. Like standing in an art gallery Observing a painting. Then, as the drama before us unfolds, we call forth information/programs to Unfold with the drama. Assuming, of course, that conditioned ideas and images and meanings and notions of all sorts have been deleted from the hard-drive. So without the judgements and without the beliefs and without the preconceived notions, we can *respond* to whatever is happening in the Unfolding drama before us. Like Karate, we go with the flow of the drama unfolding before us AS it is happening. Not reacting but rather responding AS it IS IN/AS the Moment.

We are a strangers here, so act like it. When traveling in a foreign country that you have not been to before or know anything about, would you have preconceived notions about what you would encounter there ? No, you would deal with whatever you encountered as you encounter it. Awakening IN/AS the Moment from Moment to Moment is very much the same. It is all about forgetting the past and forgetting the future and BEing whatever IS the Moment from Moment to Moment. Remember: words are but Pointers, so do not become mesmerized by the finger that Points.

Dis ease indeed is this disease of the Grand Trickster the conditioned mind. The hypocrisy seems endless, smiling to one another yet plotting against each other. They are afraid to See for it is too Painful, so they proceed with Eyes Wide Shut. They are afraid to find out that the road they travel leads to Hell, for then what would they do. On a collision course with disaster, as the alignment is most accurate, and the momentum is so great that not even the God they worship can stay the impact. The story of Sodom and Gomorrah comes to mind, as the best that we can do is jump off the runaway train and not look back or be changed to salt.

This collision course with disaster, this Kali Yuga, is indeed sensed for many do seek a route of Redemption or Salvation. Yet they look with Eyes Wide Shut so they can not see that their search is based on the very conditioned ideas and images and meanings and notions that have established this course of disaster in the first place. Too many are beguiled by false prophets parroting the words of Wisdom of Prophets of yore. Too many rejoice their Salvation while walking hand in hand with the Grand Trickster along the road to Hell. Too many revered prophet of the time turn out to be the Grand Trickster himself unbeknownst to those who follow these parrots. And so the energy of this Kali Yuga makes for confusion and conflict with their own energy. As those Awakening use this energy of Kali Yuga to Work on their own Awakening. It is a Fact that adverse energy can be used as a force to enhance one's own Unfolding Awakening. To the contrary of popular *belief* negative energy has more potentiality than positive energy (especially during this Kali Yuga), and so a most valuable tool when transposed to use in Unfolding our Awakening. And, as you sad, a Test of the Metal of our Sword of Truth -- IF we have such a Sword.

This is not obvious to the Sleeping, yet most obvious to those who have the "Eyes to See and the Ears to Hear ". Though the evidence is not hidden, conditioned controlled manipulated automatons will not See it. Jump train, for the True Strongholds of Awakening are dwindling. Not dwindling in numbers but rather dwindling in surface appearance for they are getting harder to find.

There are many who *think* they are in a safe haven as they take part in this hypocrisy, yet their haven IS the hypocrisy. And though in this particular incarnation we will not have to deal with the brunt of this Dark Age the Kali Yuga, those of the next wave of incarnations will. We must BE seeds of Awakening NOW and flourish as such or there will be no Trees for gathering the Fruit of Awakening by the next wave of incarnations. We must be Sentinels tending Truth and Reality for those who will take our present station as Sentinel. For have no doubt that the sentinels of the Grand Trickster tend their Illusions well.

One starts by letting go of conditioned ideas and images and meanings and notions that Veil one's Awakening. One by one, as a conditioned notion is let go an Aha is Realized. It is an even trade, one gives up a false notion and one gets an Aha -- elementary. After ALL conditioned notions are let go one is in a continuous state of AHA. No glitz, no hype, no major adrenalin flow, just in awe with Eyes Wide Open. In a continuous state of WOW. I know, it sounds like a lot of Work for just AHA or WOW -- but once Touch one will spend the rest of his days establishing this simple AHA or WOW. It becomes an Obsession until one lets go of the last notion and Realizes that all IS AHA and WOW, and one can no longer wipe the smile of one's face. It is not like a birthday party, just simply Peace of BEing. Not like intense emotion, just simply Compassion Universally. It is BEing the Wonder of What-IS, simple Empathy. Not like having our most valued possession or tastiest dish, just simply no Suffering.

Perhaps not much of a reward for all the struggle and Pain, but it sure does feel good. And as a side note, it is the only thing you will be able to take with you when you leave. That is, if one Plants the seeds of Awakening NOW one will have a tree to pick Fruits of Awakening in the next incarnation. So do not plant those seeds on a rock or in the thorny bushes. Only plant those seeds in Pure unconditioned soil where the Grand Trickster is no where around.

Because we can read such platitudes, such Words of Wisdom, are we Awakening ? Because we can understand such platitudes, such Words of Wisdom, are we Awakening ? Because we can repeat such platitudes, such Words of Wisdom, are we Awakening ? We can thump our Scripture forever plus a day -- we can look like a duck and walk like a duck and even talk like a duck, but all we can BE is the Quack.

What is missing in this statement of Wise Words ? Why can such platitudes not be lived ? Is not Awakening Living or BEing those Words of Wisdom that we have Realized ? After reading them and studying them and even applying them, why do we continue the hypocrisy of not Living them and not BEing them ? What else but our conditioned ideas and images and meanings and notions of all sorts ? Yet, if conditioned notions are addressed at all they are only mentioned in passing. Why ? Are they *thought* to be of no real importance ? And what would make them *think* that ? The hypocrisy ?

There are Gurus on every corner gathering followers. Awakening can not be Truly Understood via the intellect or any aspect of mental activity. Awakening is all about *ceasing the intellect and Observing What-IS, AS it IS, without projecting our conditioned notions into/onto it. An intelligent person can indeed grasp Awakening faster than the non-intelligent, though intelligence is not a prerequisite. For the intelligence Helps us in our Awakening but can very well be a block to it. So I offer, understand Awakening with the mind BUT you will not Awaken through the mind. Awakening will not be in the *study* of Awakening, but rather in the BEing Awakening. IN/AS the Silence of mind, we Hear. IN/AS the Void of ideas and images and meanings, we See. IN/AS Awakening from the chatter of the conditioned mind, controlled and manipulated by the images and ideas and meanings contained therein, we ARE.

Attached to the conditioned images and ideas and meanings (the contents of the mind) IS the Causes of our Suffering. Our cravings and desires are our conditioned thinking and behavior -- THAT conditioned automatonic perception narrows our perception on that which is transient and ever changing. Though Awakening IS Observing each and every Moment, Moment to Moment, anew -- it is very constant, and very Eternal.

The *intellectually* mistake the practice or the study for the Truth, whereas the practice or study is but a Pointer to the Truth. That is, what the Wise Sages of yore propounded (in quite antiquated terms) was that we were machines that were conditioned and programmed to be controlled and manipulated by the very social order that we ourselves sat up. They teach that we are conditioned programmed machines. They teach that due to this, we lie and steal and cheat and falsify ourselves to others and ourselves. Awakening, we do not project our conditioned notions into/onto what we study but rather acknowledge what we study AS it IS.

The route is not the Path. We must take a given route toward the Path, but then drop the route in get onto the Path. But all routes, including your own daily life, is a correct route -- but no route is the Path. *Blame* no one for your shortcomings or conditionings, not even yourself. But blame yourself if you do nothing to rectify those shortcomings or conditionings. The route you took throughout your whole life was correct and enhancing for you. And on that route you have come to a point where you Realize that the route is no longer of meaning -- so now what ? There is no *quick-fix* in Awakening -- inch by inch, Realization by Realization, letting go of conditioned notions one by one. Then there will come a time when Fact or Fiction starts being quite Obvious. Before then, we are Blind controlled manipulated conditioned programmed automatons led by the nose by any wind that happens to blow our way. Awakening is an ongoing process of discarding conditioned notions and Realizing the resulting Insights. And if done Openly and Honestly, you will enjoy Awakening. If you are not Open and Honest with yourself, you will be further deluded. Do not *believe* or even *accept* Wise Words offered, but rather Dwell on it and let it feed your Awakening, and see what YOU Realize.

0====[::::::::::> Sword of Truth <::::::::::]====0

*Daily Meditations*

With all it's ups and downs it just seems to go Impermanence is here today gone tomorrow, Walking around in a circle you always return But you don't Remember so you just re-burn. -- Yogajyotii

You can not step that step for a second time So just repeat your misery thinking it's sublime, Yet the beat goes on as the song never ends Your mind is a jukebox you'll find your friends. -- Yogajyotii

So take a good look at you what do you See Just a conditioned prisoner who can't get Free, Weak and weary you can't find your strength As you ponder Fate what will you do at length. -- Yogajyotii

0====[::::::::::> Sword of Truth <::::::::::]====0


Sample Postings of *Ray Of Light*

Greetings Ye Seekers of Truth and Understanding,

These "Ray of Light" are supplemental to all of the other Light Mission endeavors to distribute information to Help in the Unfolding of Inner Awareness -- The Awakening. I hope that you find them helpful and interesting. Dwell on them WithIN and See what Realizations Unfold.


If you want to learn to jump like a frog go talk to a frog, if you want to quack like a duck go talk to a duck, if you want to chirp like a parrot go talk to a parrot, if you want to learn how to Sleep go talk to the Sleeping, if you want to learn how to start Awakening go talk to those Awakening. And Truly Listen to whoever it is you want to learn something from. I can only stress that clinging to words, clinging to anything, is a defilement that stands in the way of our Awakening.

Actually we are only who and what we ARE, nothing more nor nothing less. We separate ourself with our conditioned thinking. The personality is the result of a conditioned mind so it is actually an Illusion that we are conditioned to *think* is real. Conditioned, we lie to ourself and tell ourself we are spiritually awake and that we have this life to live. WRONG ! We ARE our physical life and we ARE Spiritually Awakening, but our conditioned dualistic ideas and images and meanings and notions of all sorts Blind us to that fact so we walk around Sleeping in a DreamLand of Illusions that we contrive to make life more palatable. There is no Inner Self and outer personality self, though dualistically we are conditioned to *think* that there is the two of us. The tale in the footer tells it all.

Awakening IS about Freedom, the Freedom to BE Free. Freedom from all the defiling entanglements and Causes of our Suffering. But for every entanglement or defilement you mentioned there is a Cause for that defilement, the foundation for these defilements. For we can not be Free from Suffering or ignorance or the flesh or thought or self or anything else until we root out the Cause of this Suffering. That Cause, that foundation, is none other than the Grand Trickster the conditioned mind. When we let him go we will be Free, for it is he who keeps us in chains and bondage to him. One more thing: once we are Free, Really Free, we will not want to "come back" to the Slavery of the Grand Trickster. For as you said, there is nothing Real other than the "Here and NOW" !

Indeed it is difficult to categorize ourself, especially when we are in the Dark. So do not. This seeming categorization that was offered is not to judge either ourself or others, but rather tools to Recognize the Real from the Unreal, the Sleeping from the Awakening. It is the conditioned ego that seeks always to establish some category for itself. Awakening, we find ourself in no category at all. We find ourself Alone, on an unpredictable Journey on an unpredictable Path in an unpredictable Direction. All we know for sure, is that we know nothing for sure. What are we left with ? A Wondrous Beautiful Walk.


The Great Path has no Gates, thousands of roads enter it. When one passes through this Gateless Gate he Walks freely between Heaven and Earth.

"Light Mission's Private Postings/Teachings"

"Ray of Light" series (Points to Ponder)

"Light Mission Community"

"Light Mission's Community Posts Archives"

0====[::::::::::> Sword of Truth <::::::::::]====0


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"Private Postings/Teachings", which is a random sending of Deeper more Revealing Teachings for those who sincerely want to Work on themselves in their Inner Awakening. If you would like to receive these postings at random times, let me know and I will add you to the list of recipients. It will require a dedication to Inner Awakening and the dropping of toxic conditioned thinking, for the conditioned and faint-hearted will certainly be too offended by Pure Unconditional Truth.

Light Mission Private Postings/Teachings "Private Postings/Teachings", which is a random sending of Deeper more Revealing Teachings for those who sincerely want to Work on themselves in their Inner Awakening. If you would like to receive these postings at random times, let me know and I will add you to the list of recipients. It will require a dedication to Inner Awakening and the dropping of toxic conditioned thinking, for the conditioned and faint-hearted will certainly be too offended by Pure Unconditional Truth.

Light Mission Private Postings/Teachings


Also, the long awaited *Ray of Light* series of *Daily Ponderables* is finally posted and will be updated regularly. These are Light Mission's version of *Points to Ponder* or *Daily Affirmations* or *Cosmic Cookies* or whatever the going term is by any given group. These Rays of Light are e-mailed daily upon request.

Ray of Light

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