"Let There Be Light -- Always in All Ways" Adheres to Universal Brotherhood of All Mankind and Pursues the Unfoldment of Pure Inner Consciousness. We are not here to be another "One True Religion". We are here to help Illuminate, for There is No Religion Higher than Truth...... It is in your own personal relationship with The Divine Source of Consciousness that Truth is Realized. That which you Live after all of the talk is done...... is your own personal Inner Consciousness Within Manifesting Without.

Awakening Is THAT -- The Journey

Awakening IS That

Life IS Consciousness, Consciousness IS Life, a hologram whereby each seeming multiple shard is but the whole of the hologram. The Whole is the Part as the Part is the Whole. Thus All IS One, All IS That, and That IS It. Human conditioned perception is otherwise because Truth/Reality is blindsided by the conditionings. Blinded by the influences of conditioned thoughts, conditioned thinking, conditioned endless chatter. Thus Truth/Reality is shunned by listening to the conditioned chatter.

Nothing can be more simple than AS it IS. It gets complicated when conditionings are projected into/onto Whatever-IS. Thus complicating the simple. Nothing is other than what it IS, so embelishing it by conditioned notions Veil it from Understanding/Realizing/Recognizing it. Such embellishment, such labels, such names, distort What-IS because What-IS can not be so embellished or labelled or named. Thus it is Pointed to, only to be Understood/Realized/Recognized yet never uttered. Utterences are but Pointers and can serve no other purpose. For the name is only a shadow of that which is named, thus can only serve as a limitation. It can never be this or that, for it is both yet neither. And it is all by itself, thus needs no interpretation nor even known. Nor words, though gleaned as the leaf falls or in a look BEing Whatever-IS that Present Moment.

Awakening is not looking at something different or looking at something differently, but rather in looking, Seeing what is looked at. Unencumbered looking, unencumbered listening, unencumbered hearing, even unencumbered thinking and doing. Unencumbered by conditionings, unencumbered by self-arising thoughts from the unconscious or subconscious. Unobstructed Observation or unobstructed Witnessing. Unobstructed by ideas and images and notions of all sorts. Unobsctructed by projections. AS it IS. An Apperception, unattached, unlocalized, undirected, unenvolved Pure Clear Perception. An Empty mind is the Perceiver/Observer/Witnesser of Truth/Reality AS it IS, for there are no thoughts or words processed by an Empty mind thus All is quite obvious.

Since nothing is either this or that, neither this way or that way, neither good or bad, neither right or wrong, All can only be Embraced AS it IS. Judgement is the projections of conditionings so is invalid because Awakening establishes no one to judge and nothing worthy of judgement. When there is no one there is no judgement, but rather the simple Observation that is uncommitted and uninfluenced. So it is not a matter of seeing what to use but rather seeing what is used. Let Truth/Reality reveal itself rather than trying to reveal Truth/Reality. The Truth/Reality of the Whole IS the Truth/Reality of the Part, as the Truth/Reality of the Part IS the Truth/Reality of the Whole. Make no mistake, just Observe/Witness/BE.

Settle not as an outsider, separate from the Observation, BE it. Direct Experience, Direct Connection, Direct Communication, Direct BEing, THIS is Clarity for nothing is left to chance. BE Truth, BE Reality, BE What-IS, THIS is Vision for nothing is left to question. THAT is beyond mind thus can not be fathomed by the mind. All is One yet many, All is Unity yet multiple, All IS yet ISNOT, No-Thing yet many things, Empty yet full, Void yet all inclusive, Silent yet Sound, Still yet motion. A Wonderland of form yet Formless. The Pathless Path, the Wayless Way, the Danceless Dance, the Pointless Point. There is only THIS, THIS IS THAT, THAT IS IT.

Awakening is about BEing, about Directly Experiencing, without thoughts of this or that. A Melding of Two AS One, thus not Two. A continuous Motionless Motion Flowlessly Flowing AS What-IS. AS Silence, All is Heard. AS Stillness, All is Motion. AS Empty, All is Full. AS Void, All is Seen. So Awakening is the ever Present Presense As the Moment from Moment to Moment ever anew. Nothing seen or heard or touched yet everongoing, ever Present. Can not be found or gained or held or given or even thought or spoken. It simply IS All there IS, BEing All there is to BE. Knowing no abode yet IS all abodes, nowhere yet everywhere, beyond yet IS.

Open Honest Receptive Fully, nothing is hidden yet not All can be communicated for it is not mental. Mantras please yet are crude standins for the Direct Experience of the Dancer BEing the Dance. Existence IS the Scripture and thus the Dance. Reading the Scripture without the Dance is the folly of the Parrot who can not give the Scripture even a glance. It can not be seen and can not be heard, yet when the Dancer IS the Dance All is flooded with Sights and Sounds. The Talk without the Walk is folly and funny yet sad, for the Talk is cheap yet the Walk IS Awakening.

There is no Outer as there is no Inner, it is all the same. Do not just open the eyes Open yourself. Use the words to rise above them or do not talk, use the mind to get beyond the mind or do not think. As limiting as both are, they can be used to profit Awakening so use them Wisely. Just let it all go, save none. It only takes one look or one touch, so Drop the Stick. It is right there under the nose, right in front of the face. Do not believe a word, just consider this. This IS That, That IS This, This/That IS It, It IS Awakening.

I have tried to explain, beyond the unfathomable rhetoric of Wise Words, that Awakening, that Present Moment Present, that BEing Present AS each anew Moment from Moment to Moment, is not about the hermitage or ashram but rather about our every day life and it's various activities and interactions. It is about BEing whatever it is that you are doing, and not projecting a lot of conditioned interpretations and judgements and choices into/onto Whatever-IS that instant Moment. People are too Fearful that they will lose some identity or something, but all they really lose is the Suffering. They are too Fearful to even try it let alone BE it. So they never give themselves the chance to Directly Experience the Wonder and Awe of the Present. So they never give themselves the chance to accomplish twice as much because what is accomplished has less distractions thus less error to correct.

The human physical form is an awesome piece of equipment that can accomplish unthinkable feats but it's potential is never let loose to do so because the mind is too confused by random arising thoughts of this or that. When you wash dishes, wash dishes or when you vacuum the carpet, vacuum the carpet or when you fix a meal, fix a meal or when you eat, eat or when you do anything, do whatever it is to do without thinking of anything else. At the end of the day you think back and say "I could not have gotten all that done".

You must do everything with a certain intensity. Life and every aspect about it, either physical or aetheric, must be an obsession with Whatever-IS. Whether it be washing dishes or preparing a meal or cleaning the house or working on the car or fixing a broken ceiling light or selling real estate, do it as though it is the last thing you will ever do and as though you have never done anything else. And when it turns out good you wonder 'how did I do that ?'. BE Open and Honest with yourself and Embrace everything AS it IS. But they are afraid to Let Go of those dearly beloved conditioned notions about this and that, so most of what they do is sloppy and needs corrections that take time. And they wonder why they never seem to get anything done, or done right.

It is your personal Identity that Veils your True Nature. When that is seen to be so, the Veil is most obvious thus so too is your True Nature. Both are Seen AS they ARE. A Wake-Up call, you can BE your Awakening True Nature. All is this and All is that and All is past and All is future and All IS Awakening, yet All IS Nothing. Trade in your God for a meal, the meal is more beneficial. When All is laid waste, the meal is your God.

Look into the True Nature of things, there you will Know God. As there is no God beyond such True Nature, there is no True Nature beyond God. Do not try to understand God or your True Nature, just BE both and you will Understand both for the Two ARE One. But do not tarry on either, for neither IS What-IS. When there is either there is neither, for BEing neither IS BEing both. Correctly Seen, All IS none.

To try to explain, beyond the unfathomable rhetoric of Wise Words, that Awakening, that Present Moment Presence, that BEing Present AS each anew Moment from Moment to Moment, is not about the hermitage or ashram but rather about our every day life and it's various activities and interactions. It is about BEing whatever it is that you are doing, and not projecting a lot of conditioned interpretations and judgements and choices into/onto Whatever-IS that instant Moment.

People are too Fearful that they will lose some identity or something, but all they really lose is the Suffering. They are too Fearful to even try it let alone BE it. So they never give themselves the chance to Directly Experience the Wonder and Awe of the Present. So they never give themselves the chance to accomplish twice as much because what is accomplished has less distractions thus less error to correct.

BE Open and Honest with yourself and Embrace everything AS it IS. But do not be afraid to Let Go of those dearly beloved conditioned notions about this and that, so most of what most do is sloppy and needs corrections that take time. And they wonder why they never seem to get anything done, or done right.

You will BE Serene and most Assured and quite Empathetic because you Know that you Know and Understand that you Understand, even emersed in the Causes of Suffering. Without defilements you will BE Awakening. No need to Hide from Reality for it is NOW your Life, not like when Sleeping. You Know where you are going for you Know where you have been so you Know where you ARE. No more conflict or Pain, no more irritation because All IS AS it IS What-IS. To Realize/Recognize this to be so, you Transmute Lead to Gold.

You are light on your feet because you dropped off all that conditioned Baggage that weighted you down. The Identity bag, the Posession bag, the Longing bag, the Craving bag, the Importance bag, the Permanence bag, are all let go so you Float along without even a Step. Leaving no Foot Prints in the Sand, you simply ARE as All else IS. Once again the Babe that started in this incarnation to continue Unfolding an Evolved/Involved True Nature. You Step off the Wheel.

You are NOW Humility because All is a most Wondrous Miracle more worthy than we. It is unthinkable NOW to disturb the Grace of What-IS, which IS most Supreme thus Divine. So who are we ? We are not. It is All Here right NOW, thus most Priceless. Mindful of All, as All is held in the Highest Regard yet cling to NoThing. The Scales do not Tip, always in a state of Equilibrium in an ever anew Present Flow AS What-IS. Awakening is a verb thus ever Eternally Infinitely Unfolding anew, though ever Present. The Middle Way, as nothing is more worthy than the other because they are All the same though different. You Walk undistracted and undisturbed by this or that. Just Go with the Flow.

Just keep on Strutting, Walk the Walk, do not miss a Step. Nothing can hold you NOW, just keep on Stepping. You need no Rest NOW, nothing can be Finished because it never Started, it just always was and always will be so just keep on keeping on. NOW you do not care what was nor what will be because there only IS What-IS right NOW. You NOW do not think about it or even Talk about it, you simply do it because it needs doing NOW. You do not even care who does it. Just BE that Walk, Mindlessly Mindful along the Way. Just Live that Way, Mindlessly Mindful AS the Walk. Tell it not, just Show the Path you are BEing NOW.

BE ever Ready, poised not in relief, the Time is NOW. An ever Vigilant Mindful Witnessing Apperception Attuned to All, ever Changing Presence, so as to do what must be done thus BE what must BE. No need to Choose or Judge because it IS already, you just have to Walk. You ARE the ever Flowing anew Permanence of NOW, because NOW always was as it always IS as it always will BE. It is Safe and Sound because it can BE no other, an ever Changing Changeless Change.

Present Presence is all there IS and it only IS right NOW. So Whatever-IS is AS it IS, just Solutions to Conditions Walked. Thus nothing can be in error other than Additions of Baggage that is a Burden to be Corrected. NOW you do not have to Fix what is not Broken, as all attempts to do so defile What-IS. Just let it BE AS it IS, without projecting false notions into/onto What-IS because THEN it is not Correct. Just let it BE AS it IS, without programming and controlling and manipulating it. What-IS AS it IS is Correct, only you can defile it. NOW you Know this to be so, so All doing done and All BEing being IS Correct.

All must be done thus all must get done, yet it matters little that anyone does it. It needs doing because it needs done, not because it needs anyone to do it. So any doing has little to do with a doer because any doing is simply a Response to what needs done just because it needs doing. Thus NOW the doer IS the doing so there is only that it gets done. No doer who does, it just gets done. A doerless doer, it just gets done. Awakening is in the doing and not in the doer, it just needs doing thus gets done. So it gets done NOW without a doer, because the doer is just in your head.

There is a Balancing act, the ever steadying effect of Karma around the Wheel of Reincarnation as Birth and ReBirth. When you Free yourself from the programmed control and manipulation of conditioned thinking and behavior you end further Debt that must be Paid. So the Loan runs out and you NOW Turn the Wheel instead of Turning on the Wheel. Inclined to Work, ever tirelessly and selflessly, it is NOW your Due. AS the Caldron of Life you Walk the Way AS Compassion AS Empathy, you NOW Know no other Path as there the is not Two. Nothing to Choose, nothing to Judge, nothing to Like or Dislike, just a Walk that must be Walked and a Doing that must be Done Dancing the Dance.

Awakening is the Natural Flow of the Manifested and UnManifested realm. BE that Flow, BE that Dance, for the Magic IS the Rhythm and the Rhythm IS you. No Up nor Down no Left nor Right no Foreword nor Back no In nor Out, just the Dancer AS the Dance. All fits together without a space one, Flowing in Unison Moment to Moment ever anew. Just look straight ahead and let the Natural Rhythm Lead your every Step AS a Flowing Dance of Life. BE Spontaneous and most Direct, thus Glide with Ease and Grace. Ever Watchful, ever Mindful, ever Attuned. Only NOW is it so.

I would only offer that "platitudes", are but mere Pointers to which such "platitudes" Point. Like Koans, when we pay too much attention to the Finger we never See the Moon that it Points to. The Finger is not the Moon thus is unworthy of "grappling" with mentally. In fact, it is this very mental sorting/judging/comparing that gets in our Way so we never Realize/Recognize anything beyond the mind. This is the stumbling block of our conditioned need to intellectualize/conceptualize everything, even Pointers. And do not fool yourself by thinking that there is a way around using concepts. To Point to no concepts one must use concepts to Point. Inherent in the use of language. It is that the Observer must not get hung up on the Finger Pointing, ever on a Quest of exchanging this for that in pursuit of some imagined Salvation. You have to use the mind to get beyond the mind and thus "grappling" with Pointers that are but Shadows of that which is Pointed to. Who wins at Shadow Boxing ? Regardless of what Shadow you Box, it will not be you.

You have to look at the True Nature of things and not just the things. And the first thing we have to look at is the mind and what dearly beloved defilements we harbor and thus process there. Though mostly unspoken, no one ever started Awakening without first dropping all the conditioned Baggage and neither will anyone else. So the first thing we have to do is Drop the Stick we keep Beating ourself with.

Awakening IS THAT.

It is the intention of Yogajyotii and Light Mission that the information herein this site be *considered* as potential Understanding for the Awakening of humanity. Not to be misunderstood or misconstrued as a dictate. Thus the information herein, and the words used to convey that information, are not intended to mislead or misdirect the reader in any way. So how the reader reacts or responds to the information at this site is solely up to the reader and thus the reader's responsibility. The reader's interpretation of the information at this site is the reader's and the reader's alone, and the reader's responsibility. So neither Yogajyotii nor Light Mission assumes any responsibility or liability for the reader's reaction or response or interpretation of the information herein this site, or any actions of the reader upon reading the information at this site. So read and enjoy this site in the spirit of GoodWill and Brotherhood that was intended.

If you have comments or suggestions or just want to talk, email me at


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